Businesses always want to stay up to date and relevant, right? Times are changing rapidly, which means new and innovative ways of operation are constantly happening. We all like to stick with what we know works, which often comes with hesitation when someone comes along and attempts disrupts what we believe. Why would you change what you are doing, if what you are doing works? We understand! It is sometimes a hard decision to take the chance when you know what has been working. But, there will always be bigger and better ways to do things. It’s disruptive. It’s innovative. What might work now isn’t always the best.


”This breakthrough is allowing customers and entrepreneurs to develop and test their products in half the time of standard tooling development at a fraction of the cost.”

– Carrie Matheney, CEO and President, Shirley K’s Storage Trays

Here we are, another business that is claiming to be different and innovative. We often talk about how the services we provide can save customers time and money. We’ve explained how we have used our combined expertise to develop the unique foundation of Catalysis. We’ve come up with a plan to best serve our customers, providing quality 3D printed tools in a timely and cost-friendly manner. We pride ourselves in saving you time and money because we know that is important.

Here’s a video of President & CEO, Darrell Stafford and Director of Business Development, Rick Shibko discussing the advantages of Catalysis.

Our passion lies in the ability to substantially save businesses time and money. With our strategic partners, we are able to provide customers with a “One Stop Shop” advantage. This means that our customers can get all of their needs taken care of by using Catalysis- rather than going through different avenues.  We are constantly meeting to come up with even better ways to approach business and how we can best satisfy our customer’s needs. We love what we do and are energized by the ability to make this difference every day.

Contact us today to see how we can save you time and money with 3D printed tooling!