We serve all manufacturing industries, from prototype to mass production: automotive, appliance, aerospace, incubators, medical, packaging, recreation, etc.
Metal forming
- Size = 1700mm x 700mm
- Materials = Al, steel, stainless steel
- Thickness up to 1.5mm
Vacuum forming
- Size = 4000mm
- Materials = All vacuum forming materials
- Thickness = All vacuum forming materials
Plastic Injection
- Size = 250mm x 480mm
- Materials = Polypropylene, TPO, TPU, PC-ABS, etc.
- Metal forming: 1 – 250 +++ (Highest project quantity to date)
- Vacuum forming: 1 – 100+++ (Currently developing high temp coatings and metal 3D printed tools for high volume production)
- Plastic Injection: 1 – 200+++ (Currently developing metal 3D printed tools for high volume production)
- Metal forming: 2-3 weeks (1 week rush)
- Vacuum forming: 1-2 weeks (1 week rush)
- Plastic Injection: 2-3 weeks (1 week rush)
We are often more than 50% reduction when comparing to conventional manufacturing processes.
All processes use the customer part material specification to manufacturer the part.
Yes. Please contact Catalysis Additive Tooling to request references.
CONTACT USYes. Traditional machining can be applied to modify tools.
Yes. We have applied multiple 3D printing technologies for layup tooling.